• #Real Estate
  • #Elasticsearch
  • #Open Street Map
  • Design
  • Development
  • Hosting

Responsive Design is a search engine that provides complete real estate services for agents or individuals. In this project we got the opportunity to deploy our advanced Elastic search implementation integrating asynchronous processing of large amounts of data related to properties listings. A custom implementation o self hosted tiles rendering server was used and through the power of Open street maps we managed to be independent of main stream Google maps service lower the over all usage costs for the project.

Agencies can utilize available interconnection through the most popular real estate ERPs like E-agents, Orbit, Real Status, Estate+ that are implemented and have their listings deployed with one click from their favorite interface. Our custom infrastructure keeps listing updated and we have made close contact with each ERP vendor to keep complexity out of the users and administrators of the Portal. We are heavily utilizing all forms of communication tools like transactional emails, SMS, Viber messaging and Push notifications.

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